Learn to Say “No” in Retirement

Learn to Say “No” in Retirement

It never fails. Before retirement, we have grandiose ideas of how much we will accomplish when we no longer work. We have on our list all the home projects we couldn’t get to when we were working. We have a list of friends and family members we will visit more...
How Not To Be Let Down By Your Vacation

How Not To Be Let Down By Your Vacation

With summer around the corner, families are beginning to make plans for summer vacation. Planning a vacation can be a time-consuming task. Not only does it take time to decide where to go, but booking lodging and transportation requires exploring various options. Once...
What To Do For Upcoming Family Events

What To Do For Upcoming Family Events

With spring, you may find yourself surrounded by invitations to family events for graduations and weddings. As you plan to attend these family events, pay attention to your aging parents. They may need your help. You may see your parents as strong and independent. But...
Do You Nag?

Do You Nag?

On the radio, there was a discussion about nagging. The conversation started with listeners sharing excuses their husbands made for being late. One excuse was that the husband didn’t want to come home because his wife nags him ALL the time. When clients share with me...
How to Be Social Again After Mourning

How to Be Social Again After Mourning

When your spouse dies, it’s challenging to think about being social again. Initially, you’re mourning and taking care of urgent matters. You’re learning to function without your partner to help with household chores and financial issues. As time progresses, your good...