Why Do You Care About My Health?

Why Do You Care About My Health?

When developing financial plans and retirement plans for clients, one of the topics I address is their physical health. It’s one of the components in the 5 P’s of Life (an approach we use to define your lifestyle goals). Some may wonder why a financial advisor asks...
Stop Using These Five Excuses

Stop Using These Five Excuses

After a life-changing event, finding the energy to stay physically fit is difficult. It’s easy to find an excuse to avoid staying healthy. Whether your life-changing event is a divorce or the loss of a spouse, the emotions you’re dealing with can easily drain...
What’s Your Retirement Adventure List?

What’s Your Retirement Adventure List?

Our concept of retirement has shifted to a more active lifestyle. We’re living longer, and for some people, we’re retiring at an earlier age. For these reasons, when I develop retirement plans for clients, I ask about their physical health. Most people can expect to...
How to Get Your Family Off the Couch

How to Get Your Family Off the Couch

As we welcome warmer weather, find activities to encourage your family to get off the couch. While sitting together and watching different TV series is entertaining, you’ll create more memorable experiences when doing activities together. Here are some fun...
No Time for The Gym – Try These Activities

No Time for The Gym – Try These Activities

Are you struggling to fit exercise into your overbooked schedule? With traffic, your commute to the gym could be as long as your one-hour workout. Plus, you’ll need time to shower afterward if you’re heading somewhere other than home. For women, that means adding time...