Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Money + Life?


No matter where you are in life

(graduating, getting married, expanding your family, finalizing your divorce, planning for retirement…),

we’ll help you address your financial concerns


Comprehensive Financial Planning

(retirement, divorce, + more)

Transition Planning & Guidance™, LLC, (TransitionPG®) offers comprehensive financial planning and guidance services to help you take control of your money and life.

We do not manage money and will not ask you to move your money.

We do not sell financial products and will not pressure you to buy investment or insurance products.

Life is more than accumulating money – it’s about living the lifestyle you envision and can afford.

Over the years, life has shifted beyond normal expectations.

We’ve redefined many long-held ideas about lifestyle and retirement.

Our dreams may have shifted from only home ownership to a broader vision for financial flexibility.

Our relationships may or may not include being married with kids.

Our retirement may be the end of one career path but the start of an encore career.


We used to talk about the balance between personal life and work life. But realistically with technology, there are no clear boundaries.

We have to figure out how to integrate life with work – or vice versa. With more integration in these two areas, there is a stronger desire to find work that aligns with your passion.

One thing we easily lose sight of is that it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey.

With all these changes from the norm and the desire to live many life experiences, isn’t it time we relooked at how we develop our financial goals?

That’s what Transition Planning & Guidance, LLC, (“TransitionPG®”) does – we look at all aspects of life using the 5 P’s of Life – personal relationships, personal finance, profession, peace of mind, and physical health.

While money helps you achieve many goals, it’s not the only thing to consider when talking about your finances.

Once we understand your lifestyle goals, then we can provide a plan for you to follow. You’ll be able to take control of your money and live your life the way you envision it.

We offer comprehensive planning and ongoing guidance to help you take control of your money + life.

Our Clients:

Our clients tend to be going through a transition in life, causing them to reflect on life and seek help with financial decisions.

They may be graduating, getting married, expanding their family, finalizing their divorce, changing their career, embracing an empty nest, caring for aging parents, planning for retirement, and numerous other changes we experience in life.

Media Mentions:

At Transition Planning & Guidance, LLC, (“TransitionPG®”), our vision is for everyone going through a life transition to incorporate finances when making decisions about their new lifestyle.

Our Founder, Niv Persaud, CFP®, is frequently in the media sharing her insights on money + life. Click on the below titles to view where she's been quoted.


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