Use Forced Dining-In to Practice Healthy Eating

Use Forced Dining-In to Practice Healthy Eating

With many of us staying home due to COVID-19, now is your chance to practice healthy eating. Sure, you may crave a bit of comfort food during these uncertain times, but maybe you can try to make it with a healthy twist (e.g., mashed cauliflower instead of mashed...
How to Prepare for Being Downsized

How to Prepare for Being Downsized

After 9/11, the economy slowed. As a nation, we were in fear. We were in shock. At the time, I was in a difficult season of my life. My marriage was falling apart and I was living separately. I was employed but at a job that wasn’t a good fit for my career goals. It...
How Social Distancing Is Bringing Us Together

How Social Distancing Is Bringing Us Together

In this new world of social distancing, we’ve been forced to change our normal interactions. Unfortunately, we may be in this situation for several weeks or longer. While this situation is far from ideal, I can’t help but wonder if it will improve our relationships in...