TransitionPG® Blog
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Motivational Quotes for September
Print this page and read a quote every day to remain motivated. ”There will always be a time and a place for you to shine. Do not miss out on that moment when it comes.” – Laura Lyseight ”Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.” – Doug Ivester “Success is...
The Power of Silence
You’re meeting someone for the first time. You engage in light conversation. And then there’s a lull in conversation - the deafening sound of silence. Yes, that type of silence is uncomfortable. But other times, I love silence. In fact, I treasure it. Of course,...
What to do if pushed into early retirement
You’ve been comfortable in your role for years. You’ve performed well. You’re successful at what you do. Then one day, your manager calls you into their office. It's Friday afternoon - that's not a good sign. And then it happens to you. You’ve heard of business...
6 Items to Review Before You Agree to Keep the House
Going through a divorce is exhausting. You’re making major financial decisions while you’re emotionally drained. You’re also juggling your regular daily obligations, including work. One of the most significant financial assets you’ll be considering is your house. But...
Ending Your Relationship with Their Stuff
After your spouse passes away, time may move very slowly and be a blur. Before you know it, a year passes. You look around your house, and it’s as if your spouse is still alive. You haven’t gotten rid of clothing, personal grooming items, things relating to their...
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