TransitionPG® Blog

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The Unspoken Truth About Friendships During Divorce

The Unspoken Truth About Friendships During Divorce

My divorce was years ago. Looking back, I still remember learning the unspoken truth about friendships during divorce. Some people I thought would be there for me weren’t. I’m referring to good friends I had before I was married. Friends that I would talk with...

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Why Do You Care About My Health?

Why Do You Care About My Health?

When developing financial plans and retirement plans for clients, one of the topics I address is their physical health. It’s one of the components in the 5 P’s of Life (an approach we use to define your lifestyle goals). Some may wonder why a financial advisor asks...

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It’s not a matter of “if” but “when”

It’s not a matter of “if” but “when”

When my identity was stolen, I filed a police report. The officer taking my report informed me that it’s no longer a matter of “if” a person’s identity will be stolen but “when” it will happen. That incident happened over a decade ago. With the growth of online...

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How To Be A Caregiver While Working Full-Time

How To Be A Caregiver While Working Full-Time

Your phone rings. It’s the independent living facility where your mom lives. She fell and is being admitted to the hospital. She may have fractured her ankle. Your role has now shifted from adult child to caregiver. But you still work full-time. How do you incorporate...

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Money Talk With Your Soon-to-Be College Student

Money Talk With Your Soon-to-Be College Student

It’s been an exciting few months celebrating your child’s senior year at high school and watching them graduate. You’ve committed to making this summer extra special before they head off to college. As you make plans, include conversations about how to handle...

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The Unspoken Truth About Friendships During Divorce

My divorce was years ago. Looking back, I still remember learning the unspoken truth about friendships during divorce. Some people I thought would be there for me weren’t. I’m referring to good friends I had before I was married. Friends that I would talk with...

Why Do You Care About My Health?

When developing financial plans and retirement plans for clients, one of the topics I address is their physical health. It’s one of the components in the 5 P’s of Life (an approach we use to define your lifestyle goals). Some may wonder why a financial advisor asks...

It’s not a matter of “if” but “when”

When my identity was stolen, I filed a police report. The officer taking my report informed me that it’s no longer a matter of “if” a person’s identity will be stolen but “when” it will happen. That incident happened over a decade ago. With the growth of online...

How To Be A Caregiver While Working Full-Time

Your phone rings. It’s the independent living facility where your mom lives. She fell and is being admitted to the hospital. She may have fractured her ankle. Your role has now shifted from adult child to caregiver. But you still work full-time. How do you incorporate...

Money Talk With Your Soon-to-Be College Student

It’s been an exciting few months celebrating your child’s senior year at high school and watching them graduate. You’ve committed to making this summer extra special before they head off to college. As you make plans, include conversations about how to handle...