No Time for The Gym – Try These Activities

No Time for The Gym – Try These Activities

Are you struggling to fit exercise into your overbooked schedule? With traffic, your commute to the gym could be as long as your one-hour workout. Plus, you’ll need time to shower afterward if you’re heading somewhere other than home. For women, that means adding time...
For Better or For …Fitness

For Better or For …Fitness

While planning how to tackle your 2024 fitness goals, consider enlisting your spouse/partner to join you. Finding time to workout together will motivate you to accomplish your fitness goals while strengthening your relationship. It may even foster some healthy...
Are You Being Pushed into Your 2024 Fitness

Are You Being Pushed into Your 2024 Fitness

You can definitely tell when it’s the end of the year. There’s constant advertisement wherever you turn pushing you to be fit in 2024. Television commercials constantly show “lose weight now” ads …. or buy this fitness equipment to have an...
How to Get Your Sleep During Holiday Madness

How to Get Your Sleep During Holiday Madness

During the holidays, it’s easy to become overbooked. And unfortunately, your sleep suffers during the holiday madness. Everyone wants to get together and celebrate. You have family gatherings, parties with friends, and even office celebrations. Additionally, you...
4 Ways to Fight Holiday Weight Gain

4 Ways to Fight Holiday Weight Gain

One of my favorite things about the holidays is gathering with family and friends. One of my least favorite things is the extra weight I tend to gain by indulging in all the delicious holiday food. Over the years, I’ve learned to simplify my plan to fight holiday...