5 Tax Effects From Your Divorce

5 Tax Effects From Your Divorce

When going through a divorce, the last thing you want to think about is taxes. But it could be costly if you don’t include them in your financial analysis. Before signing your divorce decree, take time to understand the tax effects on these five items. 1- Alimony For...
Saving for Retirement is Old School

Saving for Retirement is Old School

Saving for retirement is old school – bet you never thought a financial planner would make that statement. When we use the word “retirement,” images of old people sitting on rocking chairs on their front porch come to mind. But haven’t we redefined retirement? Who...
Why You Don’t Take Your Finances Seriously

Why You Don’t Take Your Finances Seriously

It happens often. Many people don’t take their finances seriously. They know they should, but they just keep putting it off … until something happens. What’s your excuse … why don’t you take your finances seriously? “I’ll cross that bridge when I get...
Mom and Dad – Let’s Talk About Money

Mom and Dad – Let’s Talk About Money

“Mom and Dad – let’s talk about money … your money and your retirement lifestyle.” How would that statement go over with your parents? There’s never a “good” time to initiate this conversation. But doesn’t it make...
How to Pay For High-Cost Infertility Treatments

How to Pay For High-Cost Infertility Treatments

You and your spouse have been busy. Since college you’ve both been focused on career and travel. As you move further into your thirties, you realize it’s time to start a family. But one thing you never planned for was the difficulty of becoming pregnant...