Communication Tools for Caregivers

Communication Tools for Caregivers

If you’re the primary caregiver for your elderly parent, you’re not alone. According to Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 report, 41.8 million adults provided unpaid care to an adult age 50 or older. Caregiving is hard … and even harder when you’re still working....
How to Strengthen Your Friendships

How to Strengthen Your Friendships

Friendships. It’s something we need, especially as an outlet from crazy family drama and our hectic schedule. Even though we need these relationships, it’s hard to make time for them as we age. It’s even harder to make new friends when we’re older. Why?...
Is Social Media Harming Your Relationship?

Is Social Media Harming Your Relationship?

In my financial planning practice, I work with individuals who are in a relationship at all stages: …those getting ready to tie the knot, whether for the first time or after a divorce; … newlyweds, new parents, empty-nesters, and retirees; …those contemplating a...
Reach out to a widow/widower

Reach out to a widow/widower

“It’s the little things you miss the most,” my client, whose spouse passed away three years ago, shared with me. “Life goes on, but it’s different.” Some people, when their spouse passes away, gain a freedom they’ve never experienced. At times, they feel guilty...