How to find “fun” in dysfunctional

How to find “fun” in dysfunctional

Are you looking forward to spending time with your family? Most people believe their family is dysfunctional. So, if you feel this way, you’re not alone. Instead of dreading time with family, shift your perspective. Remember, if everyone was the same, the world...
5 Ways to Survive Forced Gaiety

5 Ways to Survive Forced Gaiety

As I was wishing a colleague my usual happy wishes for this time of year – she responded, “Yeah, ‘tis the season for forced gaiety.” I laughed. But her comment really caused me to pause and reflect on the upcoming holiday season. During the holidays, we may be...
Three Qualities Successful Couples Hold

Three Qualities Successful Couples Hold

Couples often compliment me on my knack for dealing with their financial disagreements. Some have called me their marriage counselor – which I am not since I don’t have those credentials. Because each person’s experience with money is different, it’s...