How To Delete Negative Self-Talk

How To Delete Negative Self-Talk

What does negative self-talk have to do with finances? Well, negative self-talk impacts your mental health. Over time, this negative self-talk will affect your stress level, anxiety, sleep, and other areas of your life. Your negative self-talk may be preventing you...
Managing Four Stress Triggers

Managing Four Stress Triggers

Stress in life is a given. I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t experienced stress at least once in their life. Most people I know have some type of stress daily. How much stress do you experience? You may have read that stress costs the U.S. economy $300 billion....
Peace of Mind Tips | Recap June 2017

Peace of Mind Tips | Recap June 2017

One of the 5 P’s of Life is “peace of mind” – meaning your relationship with yourself. Everyone has ideas of what they need to do in order to find peace. Some people need less stress. Others may need to feel a sense of value. Do you know what you need to find peace of...