How to Strengthen Your Friendships

How to Strengthen Your Friendships

Friendships. It’s something we need, especially as an outlet from crazy family drama and our hectic schedule. Even though we need these relationships, it’s hard to make time for them as we age. It’s even harder to make new friends when we’re older. Why?...
Ready to Live Life Again

Ready to Live Life Again

How much time should you wait before enjoying life again after your spouse dies? It’s a question many ponder. Those who loss a spouse ponder this question. They sometimes feel guilty for enjoying their life without their spouse. And those who know someone who is...
Personal Relationship Tips | Recap June 2017

Personal Relationship Tips | Recap June 2017

One of the 5 P’s of Life is “Personal Relationships” – your relationship with others, including your spouse, significant other, parents, other family members, and friends. To build and strengthen these relationships, it’s important to dedicate time to them – no matter...