by Niv | Jan 27, 2020 | 2020, Personal Relationships
Over the years, January has become known as the “divorce month” for professionals working with people wanting a divorce. It’s the end of the holiday season and the beginning of a new year. Every new year, those in a difficult relationship begin thinking about their...
by Niv | Nov 8, 2019 | Physical Health
Going through a divorce is stressful. No matter if you or your spouse filed for the divorce, the process is draining both emotionally and physically. During this high stress time, it’s important to stay healthy. Taking care of your health will give you strength to...
by Niv | Sep 18, 2019 | Profession
Your divorce process is sucking the life out of you. It’s exhausting. But yet, you still have to be professional at work. Whether you have your own office or work in a cubicle… whether you’re the head of a division or entry-level… whether you’re an...
by Niv | Aug 27, 2019 | Personal Finance
It’s hard enough to deal with the emotional turmoil of divorce but understanding some of the jargon can make one’s head spin. Your definition of “fair” or “what is rightfully yours” may not be what the divorce settlement will reflect. Unfortunately, items accumulated...
by Niv | Apr 25, 2019 | Peace of Mind
In my practice, I have the opportunity to meet individuals at all stages of their divorce. I have clients who are contemplating divorce; some are going through the divorce process; others meet with me after their divorce (aka post-divorce). In order to help them with...