What to Do When Your Retired Mom Calls All the Time

What to Do When Your Retired Mom Calls All the Time

Your mom recently retired. She lives by herself. And now, she calls you all the time. She’s forgotten how jam-packed your schedule is with work and kids. Ironically, she didn’t have time to talk either when she was working. But now retired, she has time. What do you...
Your Work-Life After Retiring

Your Work-Life After Retiring

As you plan your life in retirement, think about what you will do with your time. While you may have a long to-do list of projects around the house, will that be enough to fulfill you? As I help clients estimate how much money they will need in retirement, I ask how...
How to make your life at work better

How to make your life at work better

Have you accomplished your professional goals for 2023? (Yes, it’s hard to believe there are only a few more weeks left in the year.) Some firms require employees to identify goals for the year. Other firms give their employees goals to achieve. In either case,...
Finding Work After Losing Your Spouse

Finding Work After Losing Your Spouse

Through my practice, I work with individuals who recently lost their spouse. It’s difficult to watch someone struggle with grief while facing the realities of their financial situation. Often, they may be in a situation where there isn’t enough income to support the...
Facing Reality After Your Divorce

Facing Reality After Your Divorce

Going through a divorce is difficult. Not only does it impact you emotionally, but it also impacts you financially now and in the future. Unfortunately, some people will make decisions during a divorce based on emotion instead of financial impact. For example, some...
Look Beyond Money When Planning For Retirement

Look Beyond Money When Planning For Retirement

If you’re planning for retirement, you may be focused on the money aspect – running calculations to ensure you won’t outlive your money. While that’s an essential aspect of retirement planning, it’s not the only item to consider. Look beyond money when...