Saving for Retirement is Old School

Saving for Retirement is Old School

Saving for retirement is old school – bet you never thought a financial planner would make that statement. When we use the word “retirement,” images of old people sitting on rocking chairs on their front porch come to mind. But haven’t we redefined retirement? Who...
Relationships During Retirement

Relationships During Retirement

When helping individuals and couples plan for retirement, one of the key things we discuss is their personal relationships. For example, some people envision planning a family gathering annually with their adult kids and grandchildren. In order to estimate how much...
Personal Finance Tips | Recap January 2019

Personal Finance Tips | Recap January 2019

Every Tuesday, we tweet personal finance tips to help you achieve your financial goals. Click here to follow us on Twitter. Below are tips we tweeted last month. Click on each tip to view the source of information. If you suspect your identity has been...