Every Tuesday, we tweet personal finance tips to help you achieve your financial goals. Click here to follow us on Twitter.

Below are tips we tweeted last month.

Before getting married, talk about finances – especially outstanding educational loans.

When dividing retirement assets in a divorce, you’ll need a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) in order to split employer-sponsored plans such as 401(k)s and pension plans. 

If you’re hiding your spending from your spouse because they think it’s wasteful, redesign your budget to include a discretionary amount – it’ll help you stop lying to your partner and give you money to spend the way you want to without many questions.

If you’re over 70 1/2 years old and subject to RMDs, consider using a qualified charitable distribution – it’ll lower your AGI while meeting your philanthropic desire. 

Create a habit of paying your credit card balance in full. 

References for our personal finance tips are listed below – click on the title for the link.

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One of the 5 P’s of Life is “Personal Finance” – your money. While money isn’t everything, it helps you achieve the lifestyle you want to live.

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About Us: 

Transition Planning & Guidance, LLC, (“TransitionPG®”) looks at all aspects of life using the 5 P’s of Life – personal relationships, personal finance, profession, peace of mind, and physical health. While money helps you achieve many goals, it’s not the only thing to consider when developing a financial plan. Our mission is to help you define and achieve your financial, personal, and professional goals – especially during life transitions. Through our planning services and guidance plans, you take control of your money and life.

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Marriages are crumbling under student loan debt

Dividing Your Assets in a Gray Divorce

Does Marriage Mean We Have to Merge Finances?

Retirees, Year-End Moves to Trim Your Tax Tab

Millennials more likely to discuss credit card debt than older adults

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