One of the 5 P’s of Life is “Personal Finance” – your money. While money isn’t everything, it helps you achieve the lifestyle you want to live. Every Tuesday, we tweet personal finance tips to help you achieve your financial goals. Click here to follow us on Twitter. Below are some tips we tweeted last month.

Be better organized with your tax info NOW – create a folder to keep tax-related materials in one place.

Check to ensure your umbrella insurance coverage has sufficient liability limits in place.

Social Security Admin does not recognize POAs – you have to become an authorized rep by completing their form.

Before signing a divorce settlement, assess your post-divorce income, expenses, and retirement. 

References for our personal finance tips are listed below – click on the title to go to the link.

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ABOUT US: Transition Planning & Guidance, LLC, (“TransitionPG®”) looks at all aspects of life using the 5 P’s of Life – personal relationships, personal finance, profession, peace of mind, and physical health. While money helps you achieve many goals, it’s not the only thing to consider when developing a financial plan. Our mission is to help you define and achieve your financial, personal, and professional goals – especially during life transitions. Through our planning services and guidance plans, you take control of your money and life.


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When POA Isn’t Enough: Other Forms Needed to Act on a Loved One’s Behalf

Before you agree to your divorce settlement