Every Thursday, we tweet peace of mind tips on Twitter. Here are tips from last month.

When decluttering, segment your stuff into one of these six categories: keep,  repair, sell, recycle, trash, and donate.

Fight procrastination by building your willpower.

Let go of bitterness to escape being a prisoner of your past and channel your energy into planning your future.

Create new traditions to fight post-divorce holiday blues.

References for our peace of mind tips are listed below – click on the title to go to the link.

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Why we post about peace of mind:

One of the 5 P’s of Life is “peace of mind” – meaning your relationship with yourself.

Everyone has ideas of what they need to do to find peace. Some people need less stress; others may need to feel a sense of value.

Do you know what you need to find peace of mind?


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About Us: 

Transition Planning & Guidance, LLC, (“TransitionPG®”) looks at all aspects of life using the 5 P’s of Life – personal relationships, personal finance, profession, peace of mind, and physical health. While money helps you achieve many goals, it’s not the only thing to consider when developing a financial plan. Our mission is to help you define and achieve your financial, personal, and professional goals – especially during life transitions. Through our planning services and guidance plans, you take control of your money and life.

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How to Declutter Your Home, Room by Room

Why Do We Procrastinate? Here’s the Liberating Truth…

Still Feel Bitterness Over Your Divorce? Here’s How To Shake It Off

10 Ideas To Stop Post-Divorce Holiday Blues