Post-Divorce Transition

Your divorce is final.

Now what?

Do you know what to do with your divorce documents?

Do you need help budgeting?

Will you need to increase your income or find a new job?

Once your divorce is final, you’ll need help transitioning into your post-divorce lifestyle.

Transition Planning & Guidance™, LLC (TransitionPG®) offers this guidance via scheduled phone or video calls to help you transition successfully.

Over three months, our Post-Divorce Transition will include:

  • Review your divorce decree to identify next steps (e.g., retitling assets, name change, etc.)
  • Identify lifestyle goals using the 5 P’s of Life
  • Develop a spending plan to ensure you achieve your post-divorce lifestyle
  • Review your tax impact and opportunities for tax-efficiencies
  • Define your retirement lifestyle and course of action to achieve it
  • Identify saving strategies for you to take control of your money
  • Determine necessary asset protection for potential disability and property/casualty loss
  • Assess estate planning needs and updates


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