One of the 5 P’s of Life is “Profession” – your work, whether you work for someone or are self-employed. If you’re not satisfied with your work life, then take control and make changes. Set goals for this aspect of life by stretching your skills and expanding your network. Every Wednesday, we offer tips via Twitter to help you with your work life. Below are tips we tweeted last month.

If you’re in a dead-end job, take control by increasing your skills and looking for a new opportunity.

Approach each interview round with balancing information already discussed and new information.

When forming an LLC, increase your protection with an Operating Agreement tailored to your business.

Be productive with your job search during the holidays by researching target employers and updating your resume.

Re-energize your mentor/mentee relationship by attending a professional networking event together in lieu of lunch.

Every Wednesday, we tweet tips to help you accomplish your professional goals – follow us on Twitter. References for our tips are found below – click on the title to go to the link.


Four Signs You Have a Dead-End Job

How To Continue Impressing The Company Throughout Every Single Interview Round

31 Reasons Why Your LLC Needs an Operating Agreement

5 Productive, Pain-Free Ways To Job Search During The Holidays Without Turning Into The Grinch

Re-energize Your Mentorship