It’s a new year – time for a fresh start. Leave your failures in the past and focus on the future.

What will 2014 bring you professionally?

Is this the year you push for a promotion?

Is this the year you start looking for your next career opportunity?

Is this the year you attain additional education to increase your skills?

Spend time defining what you want to accomplish professionally and start taking action. Here are some tips we tweeted during December. Use these tips to inspire you as you make your 2014 professional goals. References for these tips are shown at the end of this post.

Emails are an easy way to communicate in business but realize tone does not translate well – omit sarcastic comments/humor.

Stop checking emails every minute, improve productivity by checking emails 3x per day.

When building a virtual team, choose members who are good communicators, willing to share information and self-directed.

Follow us on Twitter every Wednesday for tips to help you achieve your professional goals. Click here to follow us.


Business Email Etiquette | “Hi” vs “Hey”

Here’s a Quick Way to Boost Productivity

To Make Virtual Teams Succeed, Pick the Right Players