Did your New Year’s resolution include being healthier – whether that’s losing weight or eating better? So here it is January 31 … are you keeping your resolution? If not, don’t despair. Refocus and update your plan of action. Also, pay attention to your body if you start feeling sick – follow these physical health tips. References for these tips are shown at the end of this post.

Skip your workout if you have a fever, congestion in your chest and lungs, or feel achy.

When you’re getting sick your body needs extra energy – get plenty of sleep and drink lots of fluids.

If you’re sick, sneeze and cough inside the crook of your elbow — not into your hands.

Breakfast sets your blood sugar and energy levels for the rest of the day – reconsider eating that doughnut.

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5 Good Reasons to Skip Your Workout

10 Tips for Getting Through Your Day, Even With a Cough or Cold

Breaking Bad Breakfast Habits