One of the 5 P’s of Life is “Personal Relationships” – your relationship with others, including your spouse, significant other, parents, other family members and friends. To build and strengthen these relationships, it’s important to dedicate time to them – no matter how busy life becomes for you. Below are personal relationship tips we tweeted last month on Twitter. Please share these tips with your loved ones.

If your aging parent doesn’t like living alone, consider moving to an independent living facility.

Define with your spouse what you both want from your marriage in order for it to be successful.

When your loved one is going through difficult times offer to do a specific chore for them.

It’s okay not to know the “right” thing to say to a loved one going through a difficult time – just be there. 

References for our personal relationship tips are listed below – click on the title to go to the link. Follow us on Twitter for personal relationship tips every Monday.


Should Your Elderly Parent Move into Independent Living?

7 Kinds of Marriages – and One Awesome Alternative

5 Ways To Support Your Loved One

Why Do Well-Meaning People Say Insensitive Things?