As we move closer to the holidays, prepare yourself for family dynamics. Be aware of what your loved ones are experiencing before you voice your opinion. Also, pay attention to loved ones you may neglect because your calendar is filled with other obligations. Here are some relationship tips to help you prepare.

Make it a point to conduct regular relationship check-ups – discussing disappoints, happiness, gratification.

Be bold and take the first step to reconnect with old friends or make new friends.

If someone you love has cancer, expect your relationship to change – there will be good days and bad days.

When trying to resolve family conflicts, listen to each family member with RESPECT and an open mind.

References for our personal relationship tips are listed below – click on the title to go to the link. Follow us on Twitter for personal relationship tips every Monday.



Wife’s Happiness is More Crucial to Marital Success Than Husband’s, Study Finds

How to Make Close Friends – Tips on Meeting People and Building Strong Friendships

Cancer and relationships: Tips for navigating change

Resolving Family Conflicts When Dealing with Alzheimer’s