What makes relationships difficult? Learning to communicate effectively with respect, empathy and patience. If you value a relationship then learning to communicate is essential. Here are some personal relationship tips to consider:

If you noticed your elderly parents need help, respectfully discuss your observation and solution.

When discussing with your aging parents they may need help, be sensitive to their fear of losing control.

If talking to your aging parents about help becomes too frustrating, you may need to back off.

Show patience and empathy if your parents decide to divorce – your world may change but it’s their life.

Stop making assumptions about your loved ones’ actions or comments.

References for our personal relationship tips are listed below – click on the title to go to the link. Follow us on Twitter for personal relationship tips every Monday.


10 Signs Indicating an Aging Loved One May Need Help

What’s Wrong With Mom and Dad?

How to Talk to the Elderly About Tough Family Issues

Adult Children With Recently Divorced Parents: 10 Ways to Navigate the Holidays

Stop Head Games From Destroying Your Love