Are you taking care of Y-O-U? Sometimes we become so busy in life that we forget to focus on what is important. We tend to be in survival mode. Pay attention to what you want out of life and follow these “peace of mind” tips to address your needs.

Make a difference in the world and plan a volunteer vacation.

End your day by identifying ONE thing you want to accomplish tomorrow – choose something to bring you closer to your goals.

There is no time limit for dealing with grief – define your own healing process.

Help fight dangerously low levels of blood and platelet supplies by donating blood – you’ll be someone’s hero.

Check your estate plan to confirm it includes a primary and secondary care-taker for your precious pet.

Follow us on Twitter for more peace of mind tips every Thursday.



3 steps to make a difference in the world

Getting Things Done: It’s Not the Same as Being Busy

Coping With Grief

Donated Blood Supply Drops to Dangerous Levels

Don’t Let Your Pets Become Orphans